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Early american



American Portraiture 

Jacques Louis David was a painter in the Neoclassism-end-of-Rococo period. This was during the french revolutuion. One of his paintings actually aided and urged on the revolution and another one supported the leader that tricked the revoltuion into beleiving he was all for the revolutions but was really only in it for the domination and power. This period was captured through beautiful paintings from that time. Jaques Louis David was among the few highky recognized artists. 


Jaques Louis David Was a child of the revolution, much like another huge political figure ot the time *cough Napoleon cough*. He Painted many great figures such as Napoleon Boneparteand Jean-Paul Marat, along with Napoleons sister.He Became Napoleons official Arist during Napleons rule and painted ans sculpted Napoleons sister nude. This was commisioned by Napoleon. Jaques also painted Napoleon as a majestic leader. During the time of the revolution there was a man named Jean-Paul Marat who owned a famous newspaper. Hewas murdered in his bathtub where he stayed due to an illness he had. Jaques , like all the other revolutionaries were enraged by this so Jaques created a painting of the outrage. It portrayed Marat in the postition of Jesus on the cross as that is how he was veiwed by the revolutionaries.These Paintings increasedJaques's image in the eyes of the revolution.


This peice is an oil painting on canvas. Though this may seem insignificant Aquiring these paintings, even back in Jaques's time was quite the challenge. The mateirials are expensive. This is on a canvas, not just paper. Canvas is thick and more of a fabric than a paper. Now adays it can be made from cotton in factories. Only the rich could have these paintings due to the costs. Also paint was not easy to buy either. It has special colors that mustbe purchased and mixed to perfection before it can ever even be tested. To be famous painter was no easy feat.


Jaques Louis David was a widley known hugely adored and supported painter of The frnch revolution, and he deserved all the credit he gets for all he has done and gone through in his life.

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