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Portrait bust of a flavian women,from Rome, Italy


Though its artist is unknown the Portrait bust of a flavian woman is an important peice of histrory that is widely known and should be rememebered. The bust is beautiful and lifesize with detailed curls that were sculpted to lookas if they are a mane of curls on top of the young womens head. The women has a fair face and it is important to mention that is is a women.

This bust is from Rome in Italy. In Roman culture it is not very feminine based. It is more likely to displaye a strong roman male in battle and triumph over a delicate female with exuberent hair. This leads us to beleive that this was a specially commisioned peice. The women has a soft fair face leading us to beleive that she is young. She could be a goddess as this was the most sculpted of the time however it is very doubtful considering there is not many innuendos leadin us to beleive that. Any guesses as to who it is or what it could represent would be purely speculation considering the artist who created it died long long ago and there is no family history nor backround info available.

This bust is made out of marble. It has been carefully and especially crafted in detail to create a women with a mane of curls so as they are facing forward ro reveal her face. The curls also resemble a bonnet. in the back of the sculpure there are braids ina rope like figure in the back of her head. Marble busts are scuplted by taking a large block of marble and sculpting the design the artists wishes into the bust. With the detailed curls and primitive tools that couldve been used in these times this bust couldve taken months if not years to sculpt.

This sculpture shows the hard work of the romans, yet the delicacy of the art and the detail of the artists dedication. This beautiful bust is currentally held at Museo Nuovo Capitolino. Thhough aged, this beautiful sculpture has worn its years well. It remains as beautiful today as it has for many many generations


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